(Yet) Another Lite Chat Client

ALCC project is an attempt to create a (yet another one) chat client, which would be capable of supporting different chat servers and protocols, e.g., HTTP, IRC, ICQ, etc. Main orientation is towards the UNIX OS family and other POSIX-compliant platforms.

The language of choice for the main part is C++. The client consists of a kernel (gateway, sluice, or back-end), which handles all the connections to the chat server and provides a uniform standard interface for front-end processes, such as graphic/console user interface (which would make a complete chatting app), flood/language analyzer (which would make a moderator bot), and so on. Main requirements to the client - extensibility, stability, and ease of use - both for end users and programmers writing user and server interfaces.

Core developers: NightGoblin and Pluknet.

Developers' discussion is in the LJ community community alcc (in Russian); to see the last release and to access the CVS, please visit our SourceForge page.

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